on 3 月 01, 2012

Viewer Case Examples

Download the following case examples to learn more about how Viewer can help users enhance the efficiency of design verification and optimization.

Moldex3D Advanced Package

Gear products have large variations in thickness and high requirements in roundness. Thus, how to manage molding accurately has become a great challenge for designers and mold makers. Moldex3D Advanced Package is the best solution for in-depth design verification and trouble-shooting. It allows designers to analyze plastic parts that are thick and difficult to identify mid-plane mesh, vary extremely in thickness, or have complicated geometry.

This sample provides both filling and cooling analysis results. Moldex3D Viewer clearly visualizes the filling pattern of the plastic melt and potential locations of welding lines. Furthermore, users can evaluate the cooling efficiency of the cooling channel layout, which helps them optimize the design of the cooling system and minimize cycle time. Mold makers also can easily observe temperature variations in the mold cavity.

Moldex3D Professional Package

Printers are appearance-oriented and strength-oriented goods. During the design phase, designers usually have to avoid showing welding lines on the surface, and meanwhile, welding lines will weaken the structure strength of products. Moldex3D Professional Package is ideally suitable for analyzing the filling patterns of shell parts. It helps designers quickly examine all the possible elements in the filling process, such as material properties, runner designs, gate number and locations, thickness, etc.

This sample provides both filling and packing analysis results for a printer case. Moldex3D Viewer helps users predict potential locations of welding lines and estimate the effects of gate locations, inner temperature, and pressure. Therefore, users can control the locations of welding lines more effectively, which will manufacture high-quality products.

Moldex3D eDesign Package

When it comes to the connector development, the most common problems contain flow imbalance, short shot, welding lines, air traps, and warpage. Moldex3D eDesign Package, equipped with the intelligent hybrid meshing technology, enables users to generate hybrid mesh automatically on STL models. It helps designers reduce countless hours in meshing preparation and brings reliable solutions effectively.

This sample provides filling analysis results for a connector. Moldex3D Viewer allows users to interactively observe its filling pattern, temperature variation, pressure difference, uneven volumetric shrinkage, etc. During the design phase, users can evaluate potential manufacturing problems, prevent severe warpage and shrinkage, and identify the optimal molding conditions.



